Senior Blond
I denna nya serie har Duesenberg lyckats kombinera en väldigt ren design med allt du behöver i punchy rock planka. Split/king pickupen har en 3 läges switch som erbjuder stor variation.
Clean design. Dirty tone.
Stripped-down, yet surprisingly versatile. The single SPLIT/KING pickup at the bridge delivers three totally different tonal options.
Raw tone has never been better.
Simplicty and elegance have found a new home. The Senior focuses on everything you need for a raw and punchy rock tone but it also has some tricks up its sleeve.
Our newly developed Split/King pickup allows you to extend the tonal range of this single pickup guitar to reach completely new levels of versatility.
Färg: Blond/Cream
Stall: Wraparound Bridge
Kropp Topp: Chamb. Mahogny/Lönn
Hals Greppbräda: Mahogny/Rosewood
Mensur Band: 25,5"/22
Stallmikrofon: SplitKing Dual Coil
Konstruktion: Limmad hals
Mekanik: Duesenberg Z-Tuners